We are so grateful for the generous gifts from others which allows the Vermont Old Cemetery Association to continue with it’s grant program in the future. Thank you to the many generous donors of our Fund Campaigns!

2014 Fund Campaign

A Few Words From Dianne Leary, 1st VP & Grants Administrator
Once again VOCA's fund campaign was very successful. Through the generosity of our donors, VOCA is able to continue with our grant program at the increased amount of $750.00 for four projects for the next two years. Your participation has enabled VOCA to fulfill its mission of cemetery preservation and restoration at a greater level. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible.

Contributors to the 2014 Fund Campaign

  • 1 Anonymous Donor

  • Lois A. Bailey

  • Cherry Fletcher Bamberg

  • Edward Blake & Mary Murphy-Blake

  • June Bleiwise

  • Josephine C. Blue

  • Betty (Whitney) Bolognani

  • Harold & Lynn Book Mr. James Bulmer

  • John Carpenter

  • Emma Chaplin

  • Nelson Claflin

  • Robert E. Clairmont

  • James Cutler

  • Nancy Cobb

  • Dot Cole

  • Lisa Cook

  • Melanie Dante

  • Anne B. Donahue

  • Susan Donnelly

  • Sandra H. Dowley

  • Jean Eisenhart

  • Richard C. Elwell

  • Jane Ewing

  • Joy P. Favretti

  • Laurel K. Gabel

  • Clifford and Shirley Giffin

  • Sally Gore

  • Mr. & Mrs. Prescott Greene

  • Mary Lu Hatstat

  • Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hirschfeld

  • Mona Hoadley

  • Lew & Jerri Hoffman

  • Dolores Horn

  • Larry & Eva Hosford

  • Dick Howrigan

  • Ralph & Shirley Howes

  • Frances Hyde

  • Lynnville Jarvis

  • Jewish Community Foundation

  • Barbara M. Jones

  • Marcelyn Karagosian

  • Norton David Kennedy

  • Frank & Ann Lackey

  • Dianne Leary

  • Terry MaCaig

  • Rosemary Morancy

  • Richard Morrell

  • Nancy P. Noble

  • Terry and Jean O’Neill

  • Sylvia N. Ploof

  • Ellery R. Purdy

  • Raymond & Carol Richards

  • Elsie B. Riddel

  • Robert L. Rowe

  • Haig H. Sergenian

  • Donald & Phyllis Simons

  • Frances Stiles

  • David Thomas

  • Mr. Heinz Trebitz

  • Barry & Kathryne Trutor

  • Frank Wilbur

In Memory Of

Many contributions to the Vermont Old Cemetery Association are made in memory of departed relatives, loved ones, and friends. We list here those remembrances and thank the contributors for their caring and contribution to the preservation of the resting places for all departed.

In Memory Of

  • Richard Holmes Bailey by Lois A. Bailey

  • Jack and Myn Bleiwise by June Bleiwise

  • The Bullocks of Guilford, VT by Barbara M. Jones

  • Roswell Chaplin by Emma Chaplin

  • Cynthia Clement by Cameron Family

  • Bertram Cohn by Art Cohn

  • Submit Cushman by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg

  • My Dad by Mary Murphy

  • Leon Dean by Francis Stiles

  • Prof. Leon Dean by Betty (Whitney) Bolognani (my beloved UVM Prof. Leon Dean 1947/48)

  • John C. Donahue Sr. by Anne B. Donahue

  • Richard B. Dowley by Sandra H. Dowley

  • Andie Goodman by Melanie Dante (who enjoyed photographing Vermont cemeteries with me)

  • Peter B. Gore by Sally Gore

  • Irene Griffiths by Nancy Cobb

  • Darwin R. Hoadley by Mona Hoadley

  • Malia Dean Honnold by Dianne Leary (the best aunt anyone could ever have)

  • Kathleen Howrigan by Dick Howrigan

  • Arthur L. Hyde by Frances P. Hyde

  • Freelove Johnson 1879-1898 by Dolores Horn

  • John H. Kauffman by Jean Eisenhart

  • Joan Macaig by Terry MaCaig

  • Robert Ploof by Sylvia Ploof

  • Katharine A. Purdy by Ellery R. Purdy

  • Marion Franklin Roland by Dot Cole

  • Elizabeth J. Smith by Susan Donnelly

2012 Fund Campaign

A Few Words From Dianne Leary, 1st VP & Grants Administrator
There are no words that can adequately express my level of gratitude and pride to the response of VOCA’s inaugural fundraising campaign. The total received far exceeded our goal. With the generosity of so many of VOCA’s members, our mission of preserving our heritage in Vermont’s cemeteries will continue on in a financially healthy manner. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible.

Contributors to the 2012 Fund Campaign

  • Anonymous - 14

  • Alice A. Adams

  • Mr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Adams

  • Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Adamson

  • Joan Alexander

  • Martha P. Alexander

  • Cynthia H. Babbott

  • Lois A. Bailey

  • Cherry Fletcher Bamberg

  • Dale & Linda Bartlett

  • Mrs. Maria Hoadley Bears

  • Mr. Harold Beebe

  • Mrs. Ann W. Bielawski

  • Harry Bleiwise

  • Beth Bloomberg

  • Penni Bodily

  • Betty (Whitney) Bolognani

  • Helen & Paul Bostock

  • LCDR William Bowman, USN (ret)

  • Mrs. Iloene Brennan

  • Charles A. Brewster

  • Marjorie E. Brown

  • James W. Bulmer, Jr.

  • Roderick D. Burritt

  • Jean & David Callum

  • Lucille Campbell

  • Kathy Cardiff

  • L. Diana Carlisle

  • John & Cornelia Carpenter

  • Susan Carpenter

  • George A. Chaffee

  • Emma Chaplin

  • Diana Clark

  • Mr. Larry Clark

  • Cynthia Clement

  • Art & Anne Cohn

  • Geoffrey & Lisa Colby

  • Dorothy F. Cole

  • Lisa TB Cook

  • Ken Coonradt

  • Stuart A. Copans

  • Mr. James Cutler

  • Helen M. Dawley

  • Linda Decker

  • Irene B. Denis

  • Gail A. Deshane

  • Gwendalen Young Devoe

  • Paul Eddy

  • Richard C. Elwell

  • Wanda Eubank

  • Terrance & Lucille Evarts

  • Jim & Minxie Fannin

  • Linda & Walter Farnsworth

  • Joy P. Favretti

  • Beverly M.Q. Freund

  • Cliff & Shirley Giffin

  • Peter B. & Sally L. Gore

  • Everton & Marjorie Graves

  • Joan Harvey

  • Mrs. Ralph C. Hatstat

  • Norman & Victoria Hawley

  • Miriam Herwig

  • Mr. Mrs. Dan Hirschfeld

  • Mrs. Darwin (Mona) Hoadley

  • Dick Howrigan

  • Mary Lynne Isham

  • Mr. Lyn Jarvis

  • Ms. Margaret R. Jenks

  • Barbara Jones

  • Marcelyn Greene Karagosian

  • Linda Kelley

  • Howard Kenworthy

  • Mr. Joseph Kittel

  • Carol Davies Knipes

  • Georgia LaBatt

  • Mr. David Lacy

  • Charleen Bearce Lambert

  • Dianne Leary

  • Steve Leary

  • Linda J. Libuda

  • Greg & Monica Light

  • Bert Lindholm

  • Ms. Barbara E. Little

  • Thanice Petrak

  • Robert D. Racine

  • David Rice

  • Ms. Elise B. Riddel

  • Francie L. Robinson

  • Robert L. Rowe

  • Mrs. Olin D. Samson

  • Haig H. Sergenian

  • Donald B. Simons

  • Jean Smith

  • Ms. Frances Stiles

  • Guy & Sandra Stone

  • Janet Taylor

  • James H. Tenney

  • Dency Terrill

  • William & Flor Thomas

  • Fred Thurlow

  • Joyce Tuble

  • Ms. Elizabeth Upton

  • Stan Wilbur

  • Kendall Wild

  • Dr. Edward H. Worthen

  • Hope G. Luedeke

  • Colleen C. Mable

  • Terence Macaig

  • Charles Marchant

  • Jon & Kimberly Mathewson

  • Mr. William E. McWayne

  • Rosemary Morancy

  • Charles B. Morgan

  • Richard J. Morrell

  • Mark & Bonnie Morse

  • Mrs. Paula Mortensen

  • Mary Murphy

  • Mimi Neff

  • Nancy P. Noble

  • Herbert G. Ogden

  • James K. Oliver

  • Terry & Jean ONeill

  • Mr. Ralph Orth

  • Merlin W. Packard

  • Robert Page

  • Arthur Peale

  • Donald Pepper

  • Norman E. Wright

  • Ted Yungclas

  • Colchester Grange

  • Middlebury Cemetery Association

  • Pownal Historical Society

  • Tossing Funeral Home

  • Waitsfield Cemetery Commissioners

  • Williston Historical Society