Our Bylaws


   The name of this organization shall be Vermont Old Cemetery Association.

   The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage the restoration and preservation of neglected and abandoned cemeteries in the State of Vermont and to provide an opportunity for the interchange of ideas in regard to reclaiming and maintaining them.

Section 1:
   Any interested person, family, or organization may become a member upon payment of the annual dues. Any member in arrears for six months shall be dropped from membership but may be reinstated upon resuming payment of the stated annual dues.

Section 1:
   The officers, who shall be elected annually at the fall meeting, shall be a president, one or more vice-presidents, not exceeding three, a secretary, a treasurer, an assistant treasurer, a membership coordinator, and an editor. (*1) (*3)

Section 2:
   The president shall preside at meetings and perform the other customary duties of the office.
   A vice-president shall substitute for the president when necessary, and the vice-presidents shall also be subject to any special assignments.
   The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings, issue announcements, handle mailings unless otherwise arranged, conduct secretarial correspondence.
   The treasurer shall conduct routine financial affairs, be responsible for the master membership file, and maintain correspondence in matters pertaining to the office.
   The editor shall edit the publication of the Association unless otherwise assigned, issue news releases, and assume other public relations functions as may seem appropriate.

Section 1:
   The executive board shall consist of the officers and the last two preceding presidents. Four members shall constitute a voting quorum or three plus a board assistant.

Section 2:
   In case of a vacancy on the board, it shall be filled by appointment of the board until the next regular elections.

Section 3:
   The board shall act as a nominating committee to the extent that it shall have the power to recommend for office in cases where it has a positive choice, but in such cases nominations may also be made from the floor as they may be in all cases where no recommendation is made.

Section 1:
   A panel of six members shall be appointed by the executive board and announced at the regular fall meeting to serve as its assistants. Two members of the panel shall be appointed each year to serve for three years, their term of service diminishing each year until they retire. No member of the panel shall be eligible for reappointment until at least one year has elapsed following the expiration of his term of office, except those who have been elected to fill an unexpired term. (*2)

Section 2:
   The assistants to the board shall be notified of board meetings and shall be invited to attend them as a part of their duties, but are not obligated to do so. If present, they may vote with the executive board.

Section 1:
   The annual dues of the Association, payable in January of each year, shall be set by a vote of the membership. A new member received during the last quarter of any calendar year shall not be required to pay dues for the following year.

Section 2:
   The annual dues may be subject to change upon recommendation of the executive board and a majority vote of members present at any general meeting, provided announcement of the proposed change has been made at the preceding meeting, or by notice in the newsletter at least ten days previous to the meeting.

Section 3:
   Any donations or legacies, unless otherwise designated in the gift or bequest shall become part of the operating funds. Any surplus money in the operating fund may be voted into the permanent fund by the executive board.

   Memorial memberships of $5 or more each, may be made in memory of some relative, friend or ancestor, and a permanent record of such donations shall be maintained in the VOCA files. All memorial donations shall become a part of the permanent funds and only the income from same may be used for operations.

Section 4:
   All expenditures shall be authorized by the execut1ve board, and the treasurer shall, if requested, submit an audited financial report at the close of the fiscal year.

Section 1:
   At least two general meetings a year, one in the spring and the other in the fall, shall be held, the place and time left to the discretion of the executive board.

Section 2:
   Each such general meeting shall be preceded by at least one meeting of the executive board.

   This constitution may be amended on recommendation of the executive board by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly called meeting, provided the proposed amendment had been presented at the preceding meeting, or by notice in the newsletter at least ten days previous to the meeting.

In event of the discontinuance of the Association, all of its assets, minus its liabilities, shall go into possession of the Vermont Daughters of the American Revolution to be held and administered by that organization as a trust fund, with the understanding that the interest and the interest of any subsequent addition to the fund shall be used for the benefit of the old neglected cemeteries of the state.

*1 ARTICLE IV Section 1
  At the annual meeting in Oct. 1991 an assistant treasurer was added to the officers.

*2 ARTICLE VI Section 1
  At the annual meeting in Oct. 1990 at the end of the last sentence (except those who have been appointed to fill an unexpired term) was added.

*3 ARTICLE IV Section 1
  At the annual meeting on September 25, 2021, a membership coordinator was added to the officers.


As provided by the VOCA Bylaws, Article VI-ASSISTANTS TO BOARD, Section 1: A panel of six members shall be appointed by the executive board, shall be invited to board meetings as a part of their duties, and may vote with the executive board.


Wesley Mowry
 75 Country Skyline Blvd
Windsor, VT 05089 whit05048@gmail.com


Richard Howrigan
P O Box 16
Fairfield Vt, 05455  


Nicole Vecchi
 P.O. Box 592
Wilder, VT 05088 nsvecchi@yahoo.com


Clayton Trutor
 31 Matthew Avenue
Burlington, VT 05408 ctrutor@gmail.com


Ruth Barton
 P O Box 309
Putney, Vt, 05301 rhbarton@myfairpoint.net


Charles Marchant
 PO Box 132
Townshend, VT 05353 marchant.charles.e@gmail.com