Welcome to the VOCA Cemtery Database

The database is based on VOCA's book "Burial Grounds of Vermont," published in 1991, and edited by Arthur and Frances Hyde.

The book was a record of pertinent information regarding more than 2,000 cemeteries and burial grounds throughout the State. It also includes information on some monumental stones which are not actual burial sites. Information also tells the period of their use, the approximate number of burials, the 'condition' of the burial ground at a particular point in time, when the last survey was completed, and by whom, known lists of interments, and in a few instances a "Research Notes" page with history, maps, photographs and burial information.

The book included maps with black "bullets" with white numbers matching up with verbal descriptions of locations on the descriptive page.

Taking advantage of modern technology, the online database has replaced these maps with Google Maps presentations with exact GPS coordinates and driving directions for about 75% of the cemeteries. We are working to get the database back up and running! Please check back again to see it live and in action.