Read, listen and watch great segments about VOCA in your community!

Below are a list of Articles featuring VOCA! Click on the images to read more.

VTDigger, “Can a cemetery die? With last-minute resuscitation, Rutland’s largest finds new life.”, May 27th, 2024

Happy Vermont, “Volunteers Take Pride in Preserving and Restoring Vermont’s Old Cemeteries”, October 28th, 2022

Bennington VT, “Outpouring of Support Restores Historic Village Cemetery!”

Traveling for History, How to Clean Headstones: Vermont Old Cemetery Association, July 15th, 2023

Take a listen to our President' Tom Giffin’s interview on Catamount Community Connection with Senator Brian Collamore, May 31st, 2024

Town donates to Vermont Old Cemetery Association, group that helped restore Village Cemetery after vandalism, Bennington Banner, February 13th, 2024

NBC5, “Rutland cemetery cleaned up ahead of Memorial Day weekend” May 26th, 2023

The Hinesburg Record, “Cemetery Cleaning and Restoration a Success”

Historical Society of Clarendon Vermont, Tom Giffin Presentation for VOCA, October 17th 2023

Traveling for History, Best Vermont Cemetery Info Online!,
July 15th, 2023

Waterbury Roundabout, Mystery deepens as K-9 team sniffs out possible former asylum burial grounds, June 12th 2024